#BehindtheCurtain: Get To Know Liz B. Williams!

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Liz B. Williams is no stranger to Little Shop of Horrors or being a member of the trio. Since she was born, she’s been musical theatre-inclined, and found a second home on stage. She’s taking to the stage as Chiffon, a vibrant member of the “Greek Chorus” that tells the story of “Little Shop of Horrors”. Get to know Liz on a personal level in our Behind the Curtain spotlight!

What is your current role and its significance?

I am currently playing Chiffon, one of the members of the trio, or the Urchins, as they’re sometimes referred to. Interestingly enough, this is the THIRD time I have played this role. This is one of my top 5 favorite shows, and to have the opportunity to play a role that is in my bones again is such a pleasure. It feels like home to me. ????

What inspired you to get into musical theater?

…I was born. Haha.
I was lucky enough to be born into a family who really values participation in the arts. When I came along, my parents and brother were already heavily involved in a little community theatre in Pomona/Claremont, CA, where we all did musicals, plays, choirs, concerts, special events, and classes in the arts. When I moved to North Dakota as a kid, I eventually found my way back to and rekindled my love for theatre, stoked it into a massive blaze, and discovered a passion for dance as well. So my entire adolescence was infused with musical theatre, song, and dance. And cheerleading.

What was your first introduction to “Little Shop of Horrors”?

I had heard of it in passing, but had never seen the movie or show until my theater class went to a college production as a field trip.

What’s the best part about being in the trio?

To be able to sing these amazing harmonies—thank you, Alan Menken!—with such STELLAR vocalists is the highlight of the show for me. These women are so incredibly talented in ways I could only dream to be. It is an honor to be next to them onstage. As for the role, being the one(s) “in the know” the whole time is such a unique vantage point. I love the acting discoveries I get to make while watching the whole thing unfold every night.

If you were to get 1 million dollars every time you feed Audrey II flesh, would you do it?

I would find a way. ????

Favorite song in the show?

To hear: Mushnik and Son. I just love watching and hearing Eliott in his element! It’s such a fun number.

To sing: Suddenly Seymour. Being able to whale like we’re in church is so freeing!

Dream role?

Oh boy. How much time do you have? Haha.
Sally Bowles—Cabaret
Lydia Deetz—Beetlejuice
Bianca—Kiss Me Kate
…To name a few.

This concludes our Little Shop “Behind the Curtain” series!

Every single show we do, we love to do series spotlighting our multi-hyphenate performers to let audiences know who they are “behind the curtain.” This concludes our series for Little Shop—but of course we’ll be back in time for Plaid Tidings!
SDMT Presents “Little Shop of Horrors” | Now – October 30th, 2022
Director: Kandace Crystal
A.D. & Choreographer: Luke H. Jacobs
Music Director: Richard Dueñez Morrison
Click HERE to purchase tickets!
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